Tyson Jacques

I study different peoples' handwriting samples in search of a “relative sameness” among them. This sameness is simultaneously reflected in the variation and consistency of each hand-written word or phrase. I find that as one’s temperament and appearance varies from day to day, so do one’s thoughts and actions. Since handwriting is in essence a trace of one’s thoughts through action, it gives us a visual record of a person’s state of mind as he wrote.

In The Seven Words Series, my latest body of work, I examine the growing acceptance of vulgarity as expressed in our actions and our language in popular American culture. Being someone who doesn’t swear naturally, I find the language of George Carlin’s Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television to be more than a little jarring. My work with these words is an exercise in stepping out of my comfort zone and experiencing the world differently by doing something as simple and cathartic as cursing.